
We only conduct our services over Teleconferencing facilities.


For any new clients, you will need to RING for your first appointment. This helps us both ensure that we are the right Psychologists to help you. Please note: We are only seeing clients through Telehealth and not at our office location.

Please call Kate Draper on 0414 764 009 in Business Hours.

Please recognise that Kate may be in a session when you call, so please leave a message and she will call you back as soon as practical. This may sometimes take up to 24 hours.

For new clients, you will need the following:

  1. If using Medicare – a Mental Health Care Plan, Your Medicare Number and your Doctors Provider details. You will also need to email your consent to assigning your Medicare Benefit to us for this service.
  2. Complete a Client Intake Form, including payment details.
  3. Read and Agree to our Informed Consent Conditions and Understand the Psychologists Code of Conduct.